Support your child with the Potty Training process

Potty training is an important milestone for both parents and toddlers, marking a significant step in your child’s development. At Mother Of, I recognise that every child is unique, and there’s no universal timeline or method that works for everyone.

With 15 years of experience working with families of young children, I am passionate about supporting families on a case by case basis. I aim to make Potty Training a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your little one. My approach extends beyond the practicalities and instead I focus on helping you understand your child’s individual cues, providing tailored guidance, and creating a personalised plan that works for your child and your family.


This package is suitable for parents who would like to troubleshoot and be advised about their child’s potty training, whether they have begun potty training or not, and do not require any follow up support

Potty Training Assessment

A comprehensive potty-training questionnaire will be emailed to you on booking this package. I will use this to do an in-depth, thorough analysis of your child’s current stage of potty training and then be able to advise you on the next steps to take, or, if you haven’t yet begun potty training, where to begin.

A 60 minute video or telephone consultation to talk through the what is happening with currently with your child’s potty training and answer any questions you may have

Access to my online potty-training guide (instant download PDF)

An email summary of what we discussed on our call including personalised recommendations based on what we discussed during our call


This package is suitable for parents who would like to be advised about or troubleshoot their child’s potty training, whether they have begun potty training or not, and would like some follow up support. I will support you directly with every step of your child’s potty training

Potty Training Assessment

A comprehensive potty-training questionnaire will be emailed to you on booking this package. I will use this to do an in-depth, thorough analysis of your child’s current stage of potty training and then be able to advise you on the next steps to take, or, if you haven’t yet begun potty training, where to begin.

Once I have reviewed your Potty Questionnaire we will arrange a 60 minute video or telephone consultation to talk through the what is happening in detail currently with your child’s potty training. I will ask any clarifying questions I may have on what is going on at present. You will have the opportunity to ask me questions, and have input into what you feel might work for your little one's Potty Training and I will also give you troubleshooting tips to help the process go as smoothly as possible.

A personalised potty-training plan which will be created specifically for your child’s individual age and stage

To help you stay on track, and troubleshoot any issues that might occur this package includes 2 x email as follow-up.


Learn how to potty train your child in your own time from the comfort of your home with out instant download potty training guide

Learn how to potty train your child in your own time from the comfort of your home with out instant download potty training guide

This is a child orientated potty training method which you will follow and go at your child’s own pace. I offer bolt on calls to troubleshoot any issues priced at €30 for a 30 minute call. If you require a follow up call, please get in touch via our contact form or by emailing me at

Free Potty Learning Guide

A parents guide to Potty Learning. Learn how to promote positive Potty Training by starting with Potty Learning, by nurturing the environment to encourage your child to achieve this for themselves, to feel comfortable with their bodily functions and to understand them by normalising them for our children.